The Royal Kent School

A Church of England Primary School

The Royal Kent School, Oakshade Road, Oxshott, Surrey KT22 0LE

01372 842495

Scots Pine Class Home Learning - Spring term 2021

Friday 5th March

Daily planner 

 Maths links:

White rose questions  and answer sheet

 Classroom secrets VF sheet  and classroom secrets RPS sheet

English links:

You can choose to use one of these templates if you would like but you could also design your own way to record your profile

Character profile 1

Character profile 2

Character profile 3


Challenge activities:

Extra activities if you would like them:

Word problems linked with area, perimeter and volume

Picture based challenge reading comprehension and spag activities

 Tuesday 2nd March


Thursday 4th March

Daily planner 

Extra resources:

Book scavenger hunt

Ideas to include in presentation - this will help you to prepare for the group session this afternoon

Worksheet to accompany BBC teach live lesson and lesson link

World Book Day menu - choose items from here that you would enjoy completing throughout the day



Wednesday 3rd March

Daily planner 

 Maths links:

White rose questions  and answer sheet

 Classroom secrets VF sheet  and classroom secrets RPS sheet

Word problems for group sessions - please submit via Teams after your group session

English links:

Kensuke's Kingdom vocabulary challenge

Challenge activities:

Extra activities if you would like them:

Word problems linked with area, perimeter and volume

Picture based challenge reading comprehension and spag activities

 Tuesday 2nd March

Daily planner 

 Maths links:

White rose questions  and answer sheet

 Classroom secrets VF sheet  and classroom secrets RPS sheet

My maths website

English links:

Kensuke's Kingdom questions on chapter two (scroll to the page for ch.2)  please submit your answers on Teams today

Challenge activities:

Extra activities if you would like them:

Word problems linked with area, perimeter and volume

Picture based challenge reading comprehension and spag activities


Monday 1st March

Daily planner 

 Maths links:

White rose questions  and answer sheet

 Classroom secrets VF sheet  and classroom secrets RPS sheet

My maths website

English links:

Kensuke's Kingdom discussion questions (we will be using these in the group sessions but you do not need to print them out)

Challenge activities:

Extra activities if you would like them:

Word problems linked with area, perimeter and volume

Picture based challenge reading comprehension and spag activities