The Royal Kent School

A Church of England Primary School

The Royal Kent School, Oakshade Road, Oxshott, Surrey KT22 0LE

01372 842495

Caterpillars (Year 1)

Welcome to the Caterpillars' class!

Year 1 (at RKS, this is called the 'Caterpillars' class') is the first year of Key Stage 1, which should see the children continue to grow in independence both in the classroom and the playground. In recent years, our Early Years leader and Year 1 teachers have worked very carefully on the transition from the Early Years to Key Stage 1, to  ensure that we appropriately support our learners as they move into the National Curriculum, through development of both learning provision and the physical environment. 

In the Autumn term, just like they did at times in Reception, our Year 1 children continue to have ‘independent learning’ time.  This should continue to support them in building on their skills for learning (which began in the Early Years), and should also reflect the ownership they had in directing their own learning and following interests and lines of enquiry, through playful experiences and well considered resources.  Our hope is that this time helps to build their confidence and self-esteem as well as support good pedagogical practices for young children and how they learn. 

Adults continue to support and scaffold during these times of independence.  Of course, there continue to be adult directed and adult led activities with individuals, groups and whole class teaching times. As the year develops, it is often the case that the time for ‘independent learning’ decreases, as more group and whole class teaching takes place.

Caterpillars also have opportunities to experiment with scientific concepts, engage with computing, make artwork, experience the natural world, design and create structures and models, explore scenarios through role play and learn how to look after their health and wellbeing. Resources to support and extend the children’s reading, writing and mathematical concepts are always available to use.

The Caterpillars' learning includes: daily maths, exploring concepts through a range of hands on and written tasks, as well as the additional daily maths input of the 'Mastering Number' programme, designed to develop mathematical fluency, flexibility and confidence with number. The class also engage in interactive, daily phonics sessions, as well as English lessons linked to each term's class enquiry. These opportunities allow children to apply their phonetical knowledge to spell; develop composition and linguistic skills, as well as learning to write for different audiences and genres.

Our Caterpillars' classroom is a large and dynamic, well-resourced learning space. Importantly there is also an attached, covered outside area that children are able to access during the day, throughout the year. We are very grateful to the school's PTA for making this incredible investment in the class infrastructure to support our Year 1 provision in 2023.

Useful website links: 

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