Lunches and snacks
Attached to our School Hall is a kitchen which provides freshly cooked meals each day; catering company Twelve15 are contracted to provide the school's food. Lunch menus are centrally devised by Twelve15 to be nutritionally balanced and take place on a three week rotation. Please see here for additional information from Twelve15 regarding food nutrition.
If a child is absent through illness and their parents have informed the school of their absence by the beginning of school day (8.50am), the account be credited with that day's payment. Please note that this notification must take place each day of absence for the account to be credited.
Children from Year 1 upwards may bring in fruit or vegetable snacks for their mid-morning break. They can bring in an unlimited number of fresh fruit and vegetables (bearing in mind that breaktime is a maximum of 15 minutes long!), ideally in reusable containers or with no packaging at all. Currently, this includes dried fruit (such as banana chips and dried apple). However, please note that dried fruit contains a higher content of natural sugar, which is not good for children's teeth, so ideally, dried fruit should only be eaten as part of their lunch.
Please remember that children in Key Stage 1 are given a piece of fresh fruit/ vegetables daily as we are part of the ‘fruit for schools’ scheme.
What can't my child bring to school?
If your child is bringing in a breaktime snack (not all children do), they should only bring fruit/ vegetables to school. Processed dried fruit snacks such as Fruit Winders/Yo Yos will not be permitted. Items which are not fruit or vegetables will not be allowed as a breaktime snack and will be sent back home.
All children should have a named water bottle in school each day. Water only is permitted in the classrooms. Water fountains are available for the children to refill their bottles (but bottles should be sent in freshly filled each day). Please ensure that your child’s water bottle is safe (not glass) and reusable. We hope that your child’s water bottle will last for many years; they definitely do not need a new bottle each year.