The Royal Kent School

A Church of England Primary School

The Royal Kent School, Oakshade Road, Oxshott, Surrey KT22 0LE

01372 842495

Silver Birch (Year 5)

Welcome to Silver Birch Class


As the children move into Upper Key Stage 2, they will be encouraged to work on independence and taking responsibility. It will be the first year that they will be able to walk or cycle to and from school by themselves, therefore self-awareness and safety become very important things to work on in Year 5.

The year 5 class enquiries centre on learning about a number of periods of Britain and other parts of the world during the Middle Ages including the Vikings, Anglo-Saxons and Benin. This will include a trip to the British Museum to look at a wide range of artefacts. They will also learn about trade around the world and navigation.

At the end of the year, the children will become young entrepreneurs and will learn about what it takes to successfully set up and run a business. This will involve the children designing and making a product, advertising and then selling it to the rest of the school. They will then donate the profits that they make to a charity of their choice.

The children will also have the opportunity to learn about water safety on their annual trip to Queen Mary’s Reservoir to take part in water sports such as paddle boarding and canoeing. This is something that the children often describe as one of their highlights in Year 5.

By the end of the year the children will be confident and feel ready to move onto their final year of primary school.


Useful documents for Silver Birch class:

Please click below for the latest spelling list for Year 5 and 6 (these can also be found in the back of the reading planners):

Year 5-6 Spelling List