The Royal Kent School

A Church of England Primary School

The Royal Kent School, Oakshade Road, Oxshott, Surrey KT22 0LE

01372 842495


Get some singing into your day!

I know that lots of you, like me, will be missing singing together - it is such a fabulous way to lift your spirits and express yourself.  Below there are a few songs that you might like to sing at home.  Get your families involved and belt it out!  I'll see if I can hear you!

Bumblebees might like to sing and dance along with The Wiggles in Hot Potato!

I'm A Spring Chicken for KS1 to sing & dance along to

A Little Bit of Kindness - lyrics. By special request of Year 3!

 A Little Bit of Kindness - lyrics.pdfDownload
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A Little Bit of Kindness - backing track

KS2 music lessons


Lesson 1


Get creative!

Let the musical adventures of The Little Train Of The Caipira inspire you to create a travelling poem with help along the journey from a professional poet!


Composer of the week: Delia Derbyshire

Listen to the iconic theme tune to Doctor Who and learn about the woman who made it the mysterious and atmospheric music it is today.


Lesson 2


Get creative!

Ask your parents if you can watch these 2 clips of Pixar's short film 'The Birds'. 

Notice the difference in the sounds and music you hear in the two different versions. You will sometimes hear music, sometimes sound effects (which are realistic sounds) and sometimes 'mickey mousing' effects which are musical sounds meant to imitate real sounds.

Your challenge:

  1. turn the sound off and watch the short clip again. 
  2. use any musical instruments you have in the house, your voice, body percussion and any other materials you can find to create your own soundtrack to the film 

For more inspiration with the sound effects, watch this fascinating clip about foley artists: 


Composer of the week: George Gershwin 

Listen to the dazzling 'Rhapsody in Blue' and learn about the piece and its composer:


Lesson 3

Get creative! 

This site enables you to compose your own piece of music.  You can even record yourself singing over the top if you want to write a song!


Composer of the week: Leonard Bernstein

Listen to the fabulous 'Mambo' from West Side Story and learn about the piece and its composer:  


KS2 choir

 Sadly most if not all of our festivals and performances are likely to be cancelled next term.  However, that doesn't mean that you can't sing at home!  Why not learn a few of the songs from Jake & the Right Genie off by heart and sing them to your family?  Or you could ask your parents if you can download Zoom and arrange an online concert for family and friends!

Lyrics for Jake & the Right Genie

 All Lyrics for Jake and the Right Genie.pdfDownload
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Jake Ain't Waking


The Right Genie

Jammin' in the Street

Walking for Water

Spread the Word


If I can be of any help with musical activities, please feel free to email me at

Mrs Macfarlane