The Royal Kent School

A Church of England Primary School

The Royal Kent School, Oakshade Road, Oxshott, Surrey KT22 0LE

01372 842495

Our Vision

In January 2024 the Governors launched our new school Vision, which outlines The Royal Kent School’s aims for our pupils and school community.

During the spring term 2024 the children are invited to design a logo for one of the ‘Four Cs’ of the Vision.

We can’t wait to show you the completed designs.... please bear with us while this takes place and watch this space!


Here is the important information about the school Vision:

The Royal Kent School’s Vision:

Jesus said: “Whoever listens to me, and puts my words into practice, is like a wise person who builds their house on the rock.” (Matthew 7: 24)

Our children will discover the fullness of life in our community by journeying together with:

COURAGE - by being willing to keep trying new things beyond their comfort zone until they succeed;

CREATIVITY - by encouraging diversity in the way they approach all aspects of their lives now and in the future;

COGNISANCE - by having a greater awareness of the world around them and respecting the rights of others to hold different beliefs and opinions;

COMMITMENT - by being loyal to themselves and others, and with a positive attitude having the strength of character to complete what they set out to accomplish

The Royal Kent School’s Mission:

The Royal Kent School is proud to offera strong foundation, upon which our pupils will build a successful future. We encourage our children to develop cognisance of the world in which they live, and recognise that working together creatively leads to the greatest outcomes for all. We prepare our children to be courageous and committed in their approach to life's challenges, just like the wise person who built their house on the rock